Load unfinished survey Resume later default Caution: JavaScript execution is disabled in your browser or for this website. You may not be able to answer all questions in this survey. Please, verify your browser parameters. Application to the Summer School : Modeling Human Neuropathologies A Sorbonne/Heidelberg co-production 28th of July-3rd of August, Oceanological Observatory of Banyuls Sur Mer, France There are 10 questions in this survey. Profile (This question is mandatory) Surname: (This question is mandatory) First name: (This question is mandatory) Status: Choose one of the following answers Master Student PhD PostDoc PhD start date: Date format: mm-dd-yyyy Open date/time selector Format: mm-dd-yyyy 1900-01-01 2187-12-31 23:59:59.999 MM-DD-YYYY Date of PhD defence: Date format: mm-dd-yyyy Open date/time selector Format: mm-dd-yyyy 1900-01-01 2187-12-31 23:59:59.999 MM-DD-YYYY Email: Research Project PhD students and PostDoc: Please describe your current research project. Master students: Please describe your last internship or, if you have been accepted for a PhD, your PhD project. (This question is mandatory) Laboratory: Name and adress of the institute/center/department: Name of the team: Name of the team leader/supervisor: (This question is mandatory) Title of the Research Project: (This question is mandatory) Please provide a short description of your research project and your motivation to participate to the Summer School: 250 words maximum (This question is mandatory) Please provide a CV Upload PDF file Please upload at most one file Upload file Title Comment File name Upload file Submit Load unfinished survey Resume later Please confirm you want to clear your response? Exit and clear survey